Directorate: Technical Vocational Education and Training

The Directorate is responsible for ensuring that Technical Vocational Education and Training in Namibia respond to the socio-economic demands of the country.


  • Formulate and review Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policies and Regulations when the need arises;
  • Promote industry participation in TVET programmes on annual basis;
  • Create awareness about inclusive TVET programmes and promote Lifelong Learning bi-annually;
  • Oversee the implementation of the National TVET Policy of 2021 bi-annually.


Contact Us

Luther Street, Government Park,
Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: (+264) 61 435 6022

Fax. (+264) 61 402706


Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation
  • Private Bag 13406, Windhoek, Namibia
  • Government Office Park (Luther Street), Windhoek
  • Tel: (+264) 61 435 6000
  • Fax: (+264) 61 245 144
  • Email:
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