Directorate: Policy, Planning and Quality Assurance

The Directorate is responsible for coordinating the development of Ministerial Plans and overseeing the implementation of Capital Projects, Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements


  • Coordinate the development of Strategic Plan (SP) after every five years;
  • Coordinate the development of Annual Plans (AP) and Performance Agreements annually;
  • Monitor and evaluate implementation of Capital Projects quarterly;
  • Coordinate the implementation of Medium Term Expenditure annually;
  • Manage data base of Development Partners at all times;
  • Coordinate the development of the Ministerial Accountability and Annual Reports annually;
  • Compile National Development Plans (NDP) Reports quarterly;
  • Oversee the implementation of Bilateral and Multilateral agreements when the need arises;
  • Facilitate Policy formulation and reviews when the need arise.


Contact Us

Luther Street, Government Park,
Windhoek, Namibia

Tel: (+264) 61 435 6038

Fax: (+264) 61 245 144


Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation
  • Private Bag 13406, Windhoek, Namibia
  • Government Office Park (Luther Street), Windhoek
  • Tel: (+264) 61 435 6000
  • Fax: (+264) 61 245 144
  • Email:
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